Things to consider while taking photographs of jewelry


Small reflective objects like a piece of jewelry can be frustrating or tricky to photograph. You should continue with the craft, keep polishing it and you will be able to click professional-quality photographs over time. If you want to become a professional Photographer Melbourne, providing the best jewelry photographs, you must consider a few things like proper equipment, knowledge about lighting, and so on.


Window and natural light


You must drop your idea to use the flashlight of your camera to take photographs of shiny jewelry. If you do so, you will get photos full of white light spots and harsh shadows in the background. Unless you are a highly-skilled professional with a well-equipped studio, you should consider taking your jewelry photos using natural lighting. Utilize the sun as an indirect source of light, positioning the jewelry close to the window during the daytime.


White sheet or paper


Pieces of jewelry absorb all other colors, so you should use a white background to get off altering the color of your jewelry. White also helps in reflecting light where dark colors absorb it. Using a white backdrop brightens your product, making it noticeable. You don’t need to struggle for creating a white backdrop, just use a sheet of white paper, fold it in half and make it stand.


Camera and tripod


Using the right lens is very important while photographing jewelry products. If you are planning to buy your first macro lens, consider a lens with a 60mm focal length. It will help you obtain half life-size magnification while costly macro lenses offer life-size magnification. Try to get a good tripod, ensuring the stability and high-quality of your jewelry photographs.


Make a jewelry clipboard


Get a piece of cardboard, use white paper to cover it, and tape or pin the ends of your jewelry piece to the back. Such jewelry clipboard will allow you to make adjustments as required. It may take a bit of extra time to use cardboard, but you will get great photographs while taking from the front.


Use string for particular products 


Fishing string or thread can be used for products like dangling earrings. It takes effort and time for setting up but ensures great photographs. You can fold a piece of cardboard into half, stretching the string or thread from one panel to another.




If you have bought a mirrorless camera or DSLR, you would have a kit lens included that has a short zoom and wide-angle element, the focal length read from 18mm to 55mm. Such lenses are not suitable for shooting smaller objects like a pair of earrings or a ring.


To overcome your primary challenge, you should purchase an entry-level macro lens, offering a focal length of around 60mm. The fixed zoom allows you to set the camera up a small distance from the product, and the magnification appears half life-size which is best for Jewellery photography.


The camera shake will appear as a blur in the final photos. To avoid this effect, consider using a sturdy tripod. A tripod with a removable tripod ball head enables you to make fluid movement and get a desirable angle.


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